Monday, June 15, 2009

More pictures

Here are some pictures from our trip. They start with the end of the trip first. I haven't really figured out this blog thing yet. Anyway, enjoy! We surely did!
Wyatt and Wade back from a 2 and 1/2 hr mt. bike ride in Custer in the rain!

Mt Rushmore.

You want us to go through that????

Enjoying our hike in Custer Park.

Crossing a stream in Custer State Park

The kids doing the Lambeau Leap!

We have entered the Packer Mecca!

Wade and the girls on the train at the Milwaukie zoo.

Riding the train at the zoo with my boys.

We love Great Grandma Pease!

The farm house where Wade grew up in Wisconsin. (at least until he was 11)

Are we there yet??

Oh, we love to ride in the truck!

The Nauvoo Temple.

Statue across from the Nauvoo Temple. Hyrum and Joseph in their last ride together going to Carthage.

A celebration picture after presents and Ice Cream!

Willy is celebrating his 4th birthday!!

Just for reference, the window the Prophet fell out of is the second one. Meaning the one on top!

Standing in front of the window where Joseph Smith fell out of.

I think I finally stopped crying for the picture!

The kids in front of a statue of Joseph and Hyrum Smith at the Carthage Jail. The jail is behind them.

Bekah taking a little rest in Carthage,Ill.

Our 2 week vacation photos

Annika is trying out the stilts. Connor is going solo!
Wade checking out his stilt ability.

Stephi trying out stilts at the Pioneer Games station.

This is the actual size of the wagons the saints took out west. Our knees are very close to the other side. There are 14 of us and no household items, just people. I never realized how tiny these wagons were until I saw this one. Amazing!

Here is the whole crew with a couple of oxen. These guys are huge!!

Did you know oxen are steers allowed to grow until adulthood and not turned into your hamburger?

Here Wade, Will and Rex are learning how to make rope in Nauvoo.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

4 children awaiting the arrival of the Torgesens!

How's that for a Woolly Mammoth! Manny where are you??

Here we are in the National Dinosaur Museum in Vernal Utah. The kids had to find the items on their charts!

Here is the truck and trailer.

A few of the Johnson and Torgesen children doing the stick pull in Nauvoo.