Sunday, May 30, 2010

Catching up on Pictures

The duck's digs
Our little wood duck.

These are the other two. Boy, girl, boy, boy, girl, girl?????

Some of the ladies gathered together.

Wyatt got this picture! She is perched on the door to the chicken yard from the coop!

Bekah in her clogging outfit. Her friend Hannah who she will be doing a special duet with during fiddle week

Will holding a baby chick.

Bekah and her chick. It is all white now!

Annika enjoying the chicks.


Wade in front of the Mesa AZ temple

Stephi in front of the Mesa AZ temple

Chicken coop

This is where we are now with the barn.

Annika' s ballet recital. Waiting to go on.

Our Grand Champion of the pinewood derby. Also first place for his group!

Showing off the ribbons. Grand Champion all around and first place in the Bears.

Mom! My first piece of gum! Will's 5th birthday.

Love those presents

Will's 5th birthday

Bekah in the play. She is 4th from the left.

Wyatt's first ride on Pooh.

Bekah on Doxie in front of our unfinished barn.

Let's ride!

1 comment:

Graesser said...

loved the pictures. Looks like a happy family to me! It was good to see you awhile ago. Maybe one of these days, I will actually update our blog!